2017 Reading List

I am often asked two questions. The first is: "Who are you learning from?" and, secondly, somewhat related to that: "What are you reading?"

In response to the first question, it is important to understand that in my role as a pastor, it often easy to get used to dispensing information, even good information. However without a regular rhythm of being replenished through my own learning, then it becomes more likely that I will be trying to provide water for others but only using a shallow well with which to do so. Too long in that direction my frustration and that of those who attempt to listen, will end up in a fruitless and frustrating experience for all of us.

A continual effort towards learning, from those I would agree with and from those I may not, has proven to be very beneficial. Living in a small city, removes the chance to get together with mentors as often I would like. Books have filled the mentor role quite well. From known authors to the obscure; from classic writings to the latest ideas, there is so much to learn. As the needs of those whom the Lord has called me to serve, locally and globally, are so diverse, reading has become a needed and enjoyable part of being equipped and prepared for the unpredictable challenges that arise during the year.

In terms of the second question, the picture above shows some of the titles that I have read throughout 2017. Some of the other titles on my Kindle from this past year include the following:

Answers to Prayer – George Mueller
Giving Wisely – Jonathan Martin
Walk this Way – Paul McGuiness
Under Siege – Don Hutchinson
Multiply – Francis Chan
Enough – Will Davis Jr.
Growing Young – Kara Powell and Jake Mulder
Where Would Jesus Lead – Gary Goodell
Encounters with Jesus – Timothy Keller
The God Ask - Steve Shadrach

My hope is to be able to write a short post about most of these books, while starting into my 2018 reading list. If you have input on the 2017 list or have any suggestions for this coming year then feel free to send them my way. 
